Creation and manifestation…

WOW, Wow, wow. What a week.

The Colourful Edit accessories, made their debut in John Lewis Edinburgh store in association with the Great Brand Exchange.

Slowly recovering my feet from a week in retail! It’s been so worthwhile. Met some very lovely people, had fun with the girls and got to spend time in our bonnie city. It was pretty surreal chatting through my accessories to a wider audience.

Thoroughly enjoyed being present in front of new customers far and wide chatting through the brand, the sustainability factor, the community aspect, the local women making them, the thought process behind them. The power of COLOUR. I felt really very proud.

We also made it into the style squad showcase! And our designs are heading over the seas to Tasmania, America, Ireland and Dubai…

When I first started making my products, I used to tell people that one day I would be popping up in John Lewis.

Manifestation pays off lovely people!

A massive thank you to everyone who came to see me and support the brand. I have applied a 25% discount code across all accessories this week. So if you had spotted something you fancied, or want to design your own, now is your chance to take me up on the opportunity of this great discount.

Simply type MANIFEST at checkout …


Life of a Lady
